Artifacts vs Tourist Trash

Artifacts vs Tourist Trash
Artifacts vs Tourist Trash: Don't buy!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


So by now you realize what I endured with this falsity of History.  My College Professor died with this on his lips, you cannot bring him back either.  If you are out there wondering why this happened, do not be shocked.  Con-artists have always existed in Human history.  If any items listed here are real (not likely) it would be a miracle, but since my DNA is Ancient Egyptian I would be its rightful owner, or next of kin.

M7 2016.


The following came with some items, as if to prove authenticity of the items.

M7 2016.

T3 Scarab Amulet

On closer examination of the Thutmose 3 Scarab Amulet:

It is legible in the glyphs.  Men-Kheperu-Ra.  With "AmonRa" inscription.  The Papyrus Scepter is on the right, a small greenish bead "from 18th Dynasty, Amarna Period." 

M7 2016.

Carnelian Scarab

This Carnelian Stone Scarab was "18th Dynasty" Period.  Now does this look it?

It also has no inscription.  A real one would have at least a name. 

M7 2016.

Isis with infant Horus amulet on Faience Mummy beads

Isis with infant Horus bead on a string of Faience mummy beads,  with an Eye of Horus amulet.

The beads are not 3000 years old.  I have real ones from a different company that at least look the part. Eyes of Horus were a popular amulet of protection. 

M7 2016.

Roman Intaglio and Amulets

Another item was this "Roman Carnelian Intaglio" - a  portrait (Pompey the Great) of a Roman used as a bezel in a ring. 

Other Amulets: Scarab, Eyes of Horus, etc. The Scarab has no real inscription on its bottom.  Both are stone or ceramic. 

M7 2016.

Wooden Headrest

An Egyptian Wooden Headrest:  I wanted one to rest on once.  It had a circular marking on its top, like someone had a drill on it or was polishing it. 

How well does Ancient wood stand up?  This one looked like it had weather damage or water damage.  Also it has a scent to it that I cannot determine. 

M7 2016.